Windosify android

“Windows apps on Android Wine makes it happen” Twenty years later Wine is making an new leap on Android platform. The software makes it possible for us to run Windows software on Linux and other Linux Platforms. While Microsoft making its new leap on metro design UI, Wine is planning it port to Android enablingContinue reading “Windosify android”

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[Shortcuts] List of Shortcuts on Windows 8

Press this To do this Windows logo key‌ +start typing Search your PC Ctrl+plus (+) or Ctrl+minus (-) Zoom in or out of a large number of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen Ctrl+scroll wheel Zoom in or out of a large number of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen Windows logoContinue reading “[Shortcuts] List of Shortcuts on Windows 8”

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Fact for the day: 18-07-2012

When the CD was being designed, Sony and Philips were instrumental in deciding how long each CD could play. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was used as a standard, the performance of which lasted for 74 minutes. When Windows 3.1 was launched, 3 million copies were sold in the first two months. Windows 95 can officially runContinue reading “Fact for the day: 18-07-2012”

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Death to widgets: Microsoft could kill desktop gadgets in Windows 8

There was a time when desktop widgets were supposed to be the next big thing. Fortunately, in our post-PC world, those times are long gone. Microsoft, too, is catching up with our anti-widget times with its plan to nix desktop gadgets in Windows 8, according to Win8china, which says that the latest build of theContinue reading “Death to widgets: Microsoft could kill desktop gadgets in Windows 8”

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