Google’s widely used products

Google the internet media giant has launched almost 35 toots, have you used them all? Surprised take a look here. Google Search Google loves to take chances with its products, and sometimes those products pay off big. Here are the most important products released by Google. Google Search made its debut in 1997 and remainsContinue reading “Google’s widely used products”

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10 open source alternatives for paid onces

Using a windows computer has become costlier than is to buy a computer Here are some of best open source alternative that make your lives easier. The best part of most of them is free upgrades to the latest version. 1. Operating System (OS) I always suggest home users to go with LINUX based operatingContinue reading “10 open source alternatives for paid onces”

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Top Techies and their names

Do you wish to know how top technology game players got their names. Here are few interesting ones. Apple “According to Steve Jobs , He named Apple so because, he was coming out of an apple farm and thought that the name was “fun, spirited and not intimidating”. HotMail HotMail founder Jack Smith wanted toContinue reading “Top Techies and their names”

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Top 10 Internet clients 2013

Internet clients are software’s that are used to access the web to browse and get data across the net for other resources. Let’s take a look at some internet client’s that has topped the list. Curl and Libcurl Amsn K-Meleon Konqueror Irssi QtWeb NetSurf BitlBee Fetchmail Xsync “Ranking powered by” Blowfish12@2013 Author: Sudharsun.Continue reading “Top 10 Internet clients 2013”

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