Google for work not businesses anymore

  Google wants companies to know its business offerings, like Google Apps, are for organizations of all sizes, not just large companies and businesses. Google Enterprise, the company’s platform for providing Gmail, Drive, and other apps to businesses, is being rebranded as Google for Work. The new simplified name encompasses all the products and servicesContinue reading “Google for work not businesses anymore”

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Google’s widely used products

Google the internet media giant has launched almost 35 toots, have you used them all? Surprised take a look here. Google Search Google loves to take chances with its products, and sometimes those products pay off big. Here are the most important products released by Google. Google Search made its debut in 1997 and remainsContinue reading “Google’s widely used products”

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Doomed to get the older version of Google

“Get the latest version of browser to improve your security and get a better experience of the web” You might have noticed some of you getting the older version of the Google tools and homepage, that’s true. That is because you are using on of the outdated version of internet browser. Google has started encouragingContinue reading “Doomed to get the older version of Google”

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Scant Brain Power Behind Massive DDoS Attack

It may be the most disturbing thing about last week’s historic denial of service attack on a Dutch anti-spam organization — the fact that the technology involved wasn’t that complicated. That’s one of the findings of security professionals studying the attack methods used on Spamhaus, along with the knowledge that the hackers used the Internet‘sContinue reading “Scant Brain Power Behind Massive DDoS Attack”

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