A wearable robot helps disabled people walk

“It’s a nice feeling to be upright, to walk and to have people at eye level,” said a beaming Peter Kossmehl at the Potsdam Rehabilitation Centre in Germany. The 40-year-old from the German state of Brandenburg had just tried out a bionic exoskeleton — a wearable, battery-powered robot — that enables paraplegics to take aContinue reading “A wearable robot helps disabled people walk”

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Google Builds Artificial Brain Which Can Recognize A Cat

The Google X laboratory has invented some pretty cool stuff: refrigerators that can order groceries when your food runs low, elevators that can perhaps reach outer space, self-driving cars. So it’s no surprise that their most recent design is the most advanced, highest functioning, most awesome invention ever… a computer that likes watching YouTube cats?Continue reading “Google Builds Artificial Brain Which Can Recognize A Cat”

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Race against time when a minute lasts 61 seconds!

Horologists around the world on Saturday will carry out one of the weirdest operations of their profession: they will hold back time. The last minute of June 30, 2012 is destined to be 61 seconds long, for timekeepers are to add a “leap second” to compensate for the wobbly movements of our world. The ever-so-briefContinue reading “Race against time when a minute lasts 61 seconds!”

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Graffiti battery lets you spray paint power supply

Run out of batteries? Just spray-paint some new ones. Researchers have created five spray able paints that form a lithium-ion battery when layered together, letting you store energy on walls, tiles or even your favorite mug. Regular batteries contain a positive and negative electrode, both paired with a metal current collector, and a polymer separatorContinue reading “Graffiti battery lets you spray paint power supply”

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